いじりすぎは魂を殺す(シェア:Ela Minus: “The more you edit the more you kill the soul of your music”)

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Ela Minus: “The more you edit the more you kill the soul of your music”


“The introduction of laptops, computers and overdubbing has a lot to do with it. In the ‘80s, if you were making electronic music you had to be able to play and record it live. You couldn’t just write MIDI in Ableton, send it to a thousand different synths and see which one you liked best.

“When I started this project, that’s what I was thinking about the most – I wanted to make electronic music how they used to do it, as a band with one synth for basslines, one for chords and one for melodies, and I wanted to play it all live. I only recorded multitracks because I wanted to get a wider stereo sound, but I didn’t add or edit anything and my sessions are ridiculously small.”

Ela Minus: “The more you edit the more you kill the soul of your music”


追記:Ela Minus さんのファーストアルバム “Acts of Rebellion” 買って聴いてます。めっちゃいい。

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