
Elly の難病のことが不安だったり心配だったり、仕事でイライラすることもあったりしたけれど、二人で手を取り合って、お互いを支え合って、また一年、いっしょに歩いて行きます。
すでにライブ出演のオファーを 2 つほどいただいておりますので、まずはそちらに全力を注ぎつつ、Elly とコンセプトを温めているアルバムも夏くらいに出せたらいいなあ。
Elly ががんばって作ってくれた、わたしたちの Official Shop も本日リニューアルオープンです。
今後は CD や DVD なども含めたすべての物販をこちらに集約します。
オープン記念として、お買い物していただいた方に先着順で 2025 年マグネットカレンダーをプレゼントします。
みなさまにとって 2025 年が素晴らしい年となりますことをお祈りしています。
今年もわたしたち Miss Canine Hoe をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Last year, we performed at the Niikuni Seiichi Tribute Live, listened to the performances of many people, went to the studio and played with my great friend, and increased the number of acquaintances, friends, and people who have taken care of me, including overseas… think it was a wonderful year.
I was worried about Elly’s serious illness and sometimes got frustrated at work, but we will hold hands, support each other, and walk together.
We have already received 2 offers to perform live, so we will put all our energy into that, and I hope to release the album that Elly and I have been working on around summer.
Our official shop, which Elly worked hard to create, is also reopening today.
From now on, all merchandise, including CDs, DVDs, etc., will be consolidated here.
To commemorate the reopening, we will give away a 2025 magnetic calendar to customers who shop on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please take this opportunity to check out the store.
Wishing you a happy, magical and musical New Year!
We hope it brings you lots of joy and happiness.
All the best. We love you <3