Please tell me about your …

The survey form (English) is here.



This text score is at the bottom. このテキストスコアは最下部にあります。


04 October 2024


We truly hope you all are doing fine and have great days.

We, Miss Canine Hoe, have decided to start a project.
The title of this project is “On Earth” (tentative title).
This is a project to assemble a single work of art that transcends national borders, with the cooperation of people from all over the world.
It could be called “reckless” in a sense, but we will do our best to accomplish it.

We would like to ask for your cooperation in providing us with the following information.

  • Please tell us “The most important thing to you”.
    1) Please use one word, one phrase or (even the longest) one sentence. Your answer can be serious, sarcastic or joking.
    2) It would be great if you could also send us an audio of yourself reading the text. You may record your voice in any way that is convenient for you, such as a voice memo on your smartphone. Of course, text only is also acceptable. If only the text, we will have a machine read it out loud and incorporate it into the work.
    3) Please answer in your native language and tell us what language it is.
  • Your name (Your name does not have to be your real name, you can be anonymous)
  • Your gender (This will be used only to determine whether a male or female voice will be used when the machine reads your answer. You may choose not to answer this question)
  • The country and the city where you answer this question (Please answer like “Osaka, Japan”. We would like to plot your answers on a world map, so we would appreciate your cooperation, but you may choose not to answer this question)

The deadline is 31 December 2024.
We have set up a form for you to respond to the survey here.
We would also like to collect as many responses as possible, so we would appreciate it if you could introduce this project to your friends and colleagues.

We plan to distribute the finished work free of charge.
We will announce on this blog and social networking sites when it is completed.

The idea for this project came to me when I (Mytyl) sat down on the toilet and somehow a poem “Morning Relay” written by Shuntaro Tanikawa came to mind. Most Japanese learn this poem in junior high school.

While a young man in Kamchatka
Dreams of a giraffe
A young girl in Mexico
Waits for the bus in the morning haze
While a little girl in New York
Rolls over in her bed with a smile
A little boy in Rome
Winks at the morning sun that colors the column capital
On this Earth
Always, somewhere, morning is starting
We are relaying morning
From longitude to longitude
Taking turns protecting Earth, as it were
Prick up your ears awhile before you go to sleep
And, somewhere, far away, you’ll hear an alarm clock ringing
It’s proof that someone has firmly caught
The morning you’ve passed on

“Morning Relay” by Shuntaro Tanikawa (1968)

Recently, I (Mytyl) have been reading and researching about Fluxus, and have been influenced by its ideas.

To put it bluntly, we would like to accomplish the project of “plotting everyone’s ‘love’ and connecting the world with ‘love’” at any cost, and we sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this endeavor.

Best regards,

Mytyl Sheena
Elly Sheena

You can download the PDF version of this letter here.

[Japanese / 日本語]



さて、わたしたち Miss Canine Hoe は、このたび一つのプロジェクトをスタートすることといたしました。
プロジェクトのタイトルは「On Earth – 地上にて」(仮題)。


  • 「あなたにとって『最も大切なもの/こと』」を教えてください。
    1) ひとつの単語、ワンフレーズ、もしくは(最長でも)一文でお願いいたします。真面目な回答でも、皮肉や冗談でもかまいません。
    2) そのテキストをご自身で朗読していただいた音声もお送りいただけますと、とてもうれしいです。スマートフォンのボイスメモなど、ご自身の都合のよい方法で録音していただいてかまいません。もちろん、テキストのみでもかまいません。テキストのみの場合には、機械音声に朗読させて作品に組み込みます。
    3) ご自身の母語でお答えください。そして、その母語が何語なのかも教えてください。
  • あなたのお名前(本名でなくてもかまいません。匿名も可能です)
  • あなたの性別(機械音声に朗読させる際に男声と女声のどちらを使うか決めるためだけに用います。無回答も可能です)
  • あなたがこの問いにお答えいただいた国名と都市名(「日本・大阪府」のようにお答えください。皆様の回答を世界地図にプロットしたいので、ぜひご協力いただきたいですが、お答えいただかなくともかまいません)





谷川俊太郎「朝のリレー」(1968 年)





2024 年 10 月 4 日


この手紙の PDF バージョンはこちらからダウンロードできます。


MCH Text Score 001
≪Everything Beautiful You Showed Me – 素敵なことは全部あなたが教えてくれた≫

1. Ask as many people around the world as you can, “What is the most important thing to you?”. If possible, record the answers. If that is not possible, write down the answers. Also note where you receive the answers.

2. Plot the locations answered on a white map of the world. It would be better if you could also display the answers together.

3. Convert the written answers into sound and treat each answer, along with the recorded answers, as a single audio sample. Create a flow of sound by arranging, overlapping, and processing the samples. Connect the points plotted on the white map with lines corresponding to the order in which the samples were used. Be sure to use every sample at least once.

1. 「あなたにとって『最も大切なもの/こと』はなんですか?」と、世界中のできるだけたくさんの人に聞いて回ります。可能であれば、その答えを録音します。それができない場合は、答えを書き留めます。答えてもらった場所も同時に記録します。

2. 答えてもらった場所を、白地図の世界地図にプロットします。答えの内容も同時に表示できるなら、なおよいでしょう。

3. 書き留めた答えは音声化し、録音した答えとともに、一つの答えを一つの音声サンプルとして扱います。サンプルを並べたり重ねたり加工したりしながら、音の流れを作っていきます。この時、サンプルを使った順番に対応するように、白地図上にプロットしたポイントを線で結んでいきます。すべてのサンプルを必ず一度は使います。

You can download the PDF version of this text score here.
このテキストスコアの PDF バージョンはこちらからダウンロードできます。

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